The Secret behind Compact Disc
I'd want to make a posting about the notion of hardware, but in because I have received a good lesson, so I am not so to post about the hardware, but instead I'll reveal the secret behind a compact disc. I'm sure there are many who do not know about this CD. either that, in making or history or the other, well now is the time for me to unlock all the secrets behind this CD. enjoy it. CD media is no longer strange stuff. Many people who often play with the pieces of CD for various purposes. There is a photograph in the studio and the photos stored on CD, some songs make the album and the results are stored on the CD, there is also a film and the results are also stored in the CD fragment. CD-ROM stands for Compact Disc - Read Only Memory. CD-ROM disc is colored silver. The drafting process is a way to put a sheet of plastic film that has been illuminated by a laser beam. The laser beam will form a pit (hole) are microscopic, which is very small. The holes that will form the contents of the code sequence data. Once a hole is created, it can not be closed again. Then it will be wrapped in a plastic layer again by liquid plastic that is useful as a protector and reflectors. All that the process is done gradually in a molding machine. CD-ROM tool mold shaped like a cookie cutter and the analogy of making sweet pancake also similar. More details download the full text.
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