Microprocessors and microcomputers
1.Mikroprosesor Microprocessors are single chip that has a series of arithmetic, logic and control (Arithmetic Logic Unit / ALU and Control Unit / CU), from a general-purpose processing, control systems and counting systems. Thus the combination sometimes include a number of reminders (memory) in flakes (chips) are equal, ie central processing units (central processing unit) of the system, that called prosesor.serpih CPU can be obtained from various manufacturers in a variety of long words: 4,8,12,16,32 or 64bit. The technology in use adalalah * CCD, PMOS, NMOS, CMOS, Bipolar, IIL, DMOS, VMOS table 2. CENTRAL PROCESSING UNIT (CPU) CPU is the processing instructions program.pada microcomputer, the processor is called a microprocessor. CPU consists of two main sections, namely control unit (control unit) and the arithmetic and logic unit (arithmetic and logic unit). In addition there are also some deviation of the size kecilyang called registers. 2 3. CONTROL UNIT The task is a control unit: 1. regulate and control the means of input and output 2. Set instructions from main memory. 3. Mengmbil data from main memory if needed down the process. 4. Sending Instructions to ALU arithmetic calculations or if there is comparison logic, and supervises the work of the ALU. 5. Storing the results of the process into main memory. 4.ARITHMETIC AND LOGIC UNIT (ALU) * The main task of the ALU is to perform all arithmetic calculations or mathematics that occurs in accordance with the instructions of the program. * In addition, the decision of the ALU also perform logic operations in accordance with program instructions. 5. REGISTER Register is a small savings which have high speed, much faster about 5 to 10 times in comparison with the speed of return data from the recorder or play memory.Register in use to store instructions and data that are in the process olrh CPU, medium of instructions and other data who were waiting for the process is still in store in main memory. 6. Array PROCESSOR When a large number of calculations to be done, to speed up processing time, can be used in an array processor. An array processor or Coprocessor is a separate processor that can be added to the main processor. With an array processor, the computation of a large and difficult arithmatika can be done by breaking aiau dividing the computation and carried out jointly between central processor and array processor. Because the main function of the co-processor or processor array is a complex mathematical calculation, it is also called math-processor or numeric data processor. 7. Microprocessors and microcomputers TURNING INTO To build all the necessary tasks a computer, the CPU must be equipped with reminders (memory) additional hour (clock), the mobile intermediate adapter (PIA) for the instrument input and output (I / O). 4 The number of flakes Chip) complementary around the microprocessor in the picture above ranged from 10 to 80 pieces, and mounted on a printed circuit board (printed circuit board / PCB). The number of transistors on board equivalent to more than 100,000, even up to tens of millions of 5 8. MAIN MEMORY CPU only can store data and instructions in a register of its small size, so can not store all the information needed for the entire process from the program. To overcome this, then the processing device is equipped with a capacity greater savings, that is played is also called primary storage or storage. Main memory consists of RAM and ROM a. ROM ROM: read only, not to fill something into the ROM. The contents of ROM is already filled by the manufacturer, a system OPERATING! (Operating System) which consists of basic courses required by the computer system, such as a program to regulate the appearance of characters on the screen, filling the key button on the keyboard fatherly certain control purposes and the bootstrap program. Bootstrap program is needed in the first time a computer system is activated - boot (cold boot / warm boot) instructions stored in ROM or microinstructions called microcode. Also referred to as firmware, as hardware and software put together by the manufacturer. b. RAM RAM: all data and programs that are inserted through the instrument input, are stored in main memory used knususnya in RAM (Random Access Memory). RAM is memory that can be accessed (optional / retrieved its contents) by the programmer. RAM structure is divided into four parts: 1. Added storage - accommodates input is entered via input devices. 2. -Storage program stores all the program instructions to be processed. 3. Working storage-storing data to be processed and the results of processing 4. Accommodate the output storage-final results from the processing of data to be displayed to the output device. Input is entered through the input device, was first housed in the input storage beforehand, when the input shaped the program, then transferred to the program and if the form of data storage, will be transferred to working storage. Results of processing are also accommodated in the working storage and the results will be displayed to the output device was transferred to the output storage. 9. CACHE MEMORY Multiple CPU using a cache memory or buffer memory with the intention of the CPU to work more efficiently and reduce the time wasted. Without cache memory, the CPU will wait until the data or instructions received from main menrory or waiting for the results of the processing is completed is sent to main memory, the new process can then be performed. Padanal process of main memory is slower than the speed of the register. Cache memory is placed in between the CPU and main memory. Cache memory should be faster than main memory and has a large enough size, but not as much main memory. Actually the cache memory is not necessary when main memory as fast as cache memory, but the way it is not economical.
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